CH341SER.exe is known as DriverPack Solution, it also has the following name or Setup.exe and it is developed by Kuzyakov Artur, it is also developed. We have seen about 11 different instances of CH341SER.exe in different location. 다운받은 경로에 가면 ‘ch341ser’ 이라는 압축파일 이 보입니다. 압축을 풀어주면 ‘ch341ser’ 과 ‘install’ 두 개의 파일이 보입니다. ‘ ch341ser’ 파일을 열어주세요. Make sure to test the drivers before class and set aside some time with students in the classroom when installing the drivers. Download and run the executable. CH341SER (EXE) Click the 'Uninstall' button first. Download Version Download 6934 File Size 276.83 KB File Count 1 Create Date September 23, 2020 Last Updated September 23, 2020 CH341SER.EXE. USB Driver for Cutting Plotter USB Driver-FTDI USB Driver-CH341SER Manual Cutting Plotter User Manual User Manual CM Series Redsail Laser User Manual Redsail Laser M3050 User Manual Software Redsail Laser M3050 User Manual X Series Redsail Laser User's Manual for AutoLaser Software New.
CH341A programmer is an USB interface chip that can emulate UART communication, standard parallel port interface, parallel communication and synchronous serial (I2C, SPI).
CH341A programmer is used by some cheap memory programmers. The IC is somehow limited in this configuration, because the programmer makes use only of the SPI and I2C interface. A popular device is the so-called “CH341A Mini Programmer” that you can buy for Rs. 450 from

Ch341ser Driver Pour Arduino
Click to Buy CH341A Programmer in Pakistan
CH341A Software & Driver.
The problem is that this device comes as-is, without any documentation or software. Drivers are available from manufacturer’s website (but the site is written in Chinese). Also, some source codes are available from Manufacturer. But, first of all, let’s have a look at the hardware.
The manufacturer provides a lot of useful things on the product page. Here are the files you can find and what they contain (the first two are the ones you need)
Devices to be used with CH341A Programmer.
Ch341ser Driver

Ch341ser Driver Windows 7
CH341A programmer is complete package a user can done work with accessories provided with this programmer but in some conditions you may need some additional accessories like SOIC8 Test Clip or different type of adapter. SOIC8 Socket Clip is very useful you can program IC without removing chip from motherboard which is also available in stock.