Pi Kappa Alpha Chapter List

  1. Pi Kappa Alpha Chapter List
  2. Pi Kappa Alpha Chapter List

Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity is a Greek letter, secret, college, social fraternity. It is composed of men who share similar ideals of friendship, truth, honor, and loyalty. The Fraternity's ideals are expressed in the written words and symbols of a secret ritual. These ideals and members' ability to maintain the visions of the Fraternity's founders are the great moral legacy of Pi Kappa Alpha.

Pi Kappa Alpha Chapter List

Pi Kappa Alpha was founded at the University of Virginia on March 1, 1868. At the time, the University of Virginia was the fifth largest school in the United States. Only Harvard, Yale, Cornell and Michigan were bigger. The University of Virginia is considered the first truly American state university because it was the first to be established totally free from religious control.
It all started in Room 47 West Range when Frederick Southgate Taylor turned to Littleton Waller Tazewell, his cousin and roommate, for help in starting a new fraternity. Also present was James Benjamin Sclater, Jr., a schoolmate of Tazewell, and Sclater's roommate Robertson Howard. Those four men voted to add a fifth to their group and chose Julian Edward Wood. Although history is unclear, William Alexander, probably a friend of Sclater, Jr., was proposed for membership and was admitted as a founder. The first initiate was Augustus Washington Knox.
The essence of the Founders' vision for Pi Kappa Alpha can be found in its Preamble. A committee was first suggested by Brother William Alexander 'to draw up a statement of the origin and the organization of the Fraternity.' The committee was composed of brothers Robertson Howard and Littleton Waller Tazewell. The resulting statement is now referred to as the Preamble:

Pi Kappa Alpha Chapter List

Pi Kappa Alpha Chapter List

Pi Kappa Alpha Chapter List

Pi kappa alpha chapter list

Pi Kappa Alpha Beta Upsilon Chapter. Officially the Beta Upsilon Chapter as of 2018 at the University of Boulder, The PI Kappa Alpha fraternity, also known as PIKE, seeks out men who are driven to improve themselves, their community, and their overall college experience. Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) The Multicultural Greek Council is the governing council for seven (7) multicultural fraternities and sororities on campus. The purpose of the MGC is to provide a forum that allows for the free exchange of ideas, programs and services between its constituent fraternities and sororities; to promote the awareness of multicultural diversity. No Pike succeeds totally on his own. Our success comes from teamwork. International Awards It's a great time to be a Pike. And the fierce competition to claim one of numerous international awards proved that 2019-20 was no exception. From recruitment numbers and PIKE U attendance to community service hours and philanthropy dollars raised, chapters posted record. Pi Kappa Alpha is an international leader in the fraternity experience. With over 305,000 lifetime initiates, our network reaches from Los Angeles, CA to New York, NY, and all across North America. Get a jump-start on your college career by joining.

For the establishment of friendship on a firmer and more lasting basis; for the promotion of brotherly love and kind feeling; for the mutual benefit and advancement of the interests of those with whom we sympathize and deem worthy of our regard; We have resolved to form a fraternity, believing that, thus we can most successfully accomplish our object.

Robertson Howard
Julian Edward Wood
James Benjamin Sclater, Jr.
Frederick Southgate Taylor
Littleton Waller Tazewell (Bradford)
William Alexander

AT Chapter supports
​the homeless veterans

SMC Graham Platz and IMC Wade Glitz receive recognition from Sen. Joe Manchin for their efforts to raise $20,000 for the homeless vets during the BIG Greek Greek Day of Service.

Alpha Theta's Annual Fireman's Challenge

Information for 2017 wiil be available soon

DJ Big Baby


Please send rush recommendations to the Chapter.
The Rush Chairman is Eric Arroyo
Phone: 540-273-6312

Alpha Theta Alumni Association

Visit the Alpha Theta Alumni Site www.wvupikes.com, At this site you can locate other brothers and update your information so others can find you. It also has the latest information on the house renovation project.

This site is for the interests of the
Alpha Theta Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha
Any material or contributions to this site are welcome.
Please contact me with any suggestions. - Bill

Founders Day 2017
Lakeview, Feb 25, 2017

Alpha Theta had a great time at our annual Founders' Day Banquet at Lakeview Resort. More photos can be seen in the Photos section of this website.
'Click here to see Photo Page'

Belmar to reopen August '17

Progress June 2017

Plans have been finalized for the renovation of the Pike house at 117 Belmar Ave. The renovations will result n a house with nine 4-Bedroom/4-Bathroom aparttments and common areas for chapter activities. The house will be maintained by West Range Morgantown, LLC. West Range is a new subsidiary of White Horse.
The chapter has committed to occupy the property when it is ready. The letter announcing the renovations and floor plans are available here:

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Sadie Sees
Daylight Again

Hopefully we can get her fit to appear at WVU events. 2013 was the 50th Anniversary of her first Homecoming Parade.

After many years of wondering what happened to Sadie, we have been reunited. For more information see the news in the Mountaineer Pike Files.

Bill Mitchell has contributed a great history of her early days with Alpha Theta. Find it in the
History Section.

Click here or from Photo page to see more photos