Chart Of English Tenses In

Tenses can be confusing! I’ve simplified the main tenses, with examples of their Affirmative, Negative and Question forms, in the chart below. In English, the basic tenses are the past, the present and the future. The tenses tell us when an action or state happened. Simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous are all aspects. 12 verb tenses chart with examples grammar lesson. This grammar lesson you will learn the 12 Verb Tenses that are in the English language. Tenses are all used to indicate action that has taken place in the past, present, and future. The following two photos will show how and when you can use each of the tenses. The 12 verb tense chart explained. TENSES CHART TENSE FORM USE TIME EXPRESSIONS Simple Present A: He goes. N: He doesn’t go Q: Does he go?. Habits and routines: I sometimes sing in the shower. Facts: We like ice-cream. Facts which are always true: Asturias is in the north of Spain. Planned future action set by a timetable or schedule: We leave London at eight next Tuesday. The tense of a verb indicates the time at which an action or state of being happens. The verbs change form to show the various tenses. Some verbs are regular in their changes, some are irregular. See a list of Irregular Verbs. Subject Exercises: Verb Tenses Exercises Also See: Tense Agreement.

If you are a beginner in tenses. You are searching where I can learn all the tenses. Here I have provided a basic tense chart.
It helps to remember all the rules and formulas easily. you can be saved this chart offline to learn in your spare time.

The table below shows a chart of tenses in English.

Tense Chart Rules & Examples

12 Basic form of Tenses with Examples

1. Present Simple Tense

  • Formula:Sub+V1+Obj
  • Positive:He plays cricket.
  • Negative:He does not play cricket.
  • Question: Does he play cricket?

2. Past Simple Tense

  • Formula:Sub+V2+Obj
  • Positive:Emma went to school.
  • Negative:Emma did not go to school.
  • Question: Did Emma go to school?

3. Future Simple Tense

  • Formula:Sub+will+V1+Obj
  • Positive:She will write an email.
  • Negative:She won’t write an email.
  • Question: Will she write an email?

4.Present Continuous Tense

  • Formula:Sub+am/is/are+V1+Ing+Obj
  • Positive:We are listening to a song.
  • Negative:We aren’t listening to a song.
  • Question: Are we listening to a song?

5.Past Continuous Tense

  • Formula:Sub+was/were+V1+Ing+Obj
  • Positive:They were writing an essay.
  • Negative:They weren’t writing an essay.
  • Question: Were they writing an essay?

6.Future Continuous Tense

  • Formula:Sub+will be+V1+Ing+Obj
  • Positive:Ben will be going home.
  • Negative:Ben won’t be going home.
  • Question: will ben go home?

7. Present Perfect Tense

Chart Of Tenses In English

  • Formula:Sub+have/has+V3+Obj
  • Positive:He has read a book.
  • Negative:He hasn’t read a book.
  • Question: has he read a book?

8. Past Perfect Tense

Chart of english tenses in spanishChart of english tenses in urdu
  • Formula:Sub+had+V3+Obj
  • Positive:They had bought a new mobile.
  • Negative:They hadn’t bought a new mobile.
  • Question: had they buy a new mobile?

9. Future Perfect Tense

  • Formula:Sub+will have+V3+Obj
  • Positive:She will have sung a song.
  • Negative:She won’t have sung a song.
  • Question: will have she sing a song?

10. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

  • Formula:Sub+have/has+been+V1+Ing+Obj
  • Positive:David has been losing weight.
  • Negative:David hasn’t been losing weight.
  • Question: has been David lose weight?

Flow Chart Of Tenses In English

11. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

  • Formula:Sub+had+been +V1+Ing+Obj
  • Positive: He had been reading novels since morning.
  • Negative:He hadn’t been readingnovels since morning.
  • Question: had he been reading a book since morning?

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Chart Of English Tenses In Order

  • Formula:Sub+will have+been+V1+Ing+Obj
  • Positive:He will have beendriving a carat 6 am tomorrow.
  • Negative:He won’t have driving a carat6 am tomorrow.
  • Question: will have been he driving a car at 6 am tomorrow.?